All-in-one Smart Crypto Investment & Trading Platform.
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Founded in June 2022, IBIT is the world's leading one-stop encrypted digital currency trading, storage, management, and investment platform. IBIT has a complete system security system, 100% user reserve, and has established a user protection fund worth 800 BTC to protect the security of the platform and user assets. At the same time, IBIT is determined to operate in compliance, has obtained the US MSB license, NFA license and Canadian MSB license, and implemented compliance measures such as KYC and AML (anti-money laundering) to protect the rights and interests of users.

IBIT users cover users in more than 150 countries around the world. It supports a variety of encrypted asset transactions, unified account management, contract transactions, documentary transactions and other product services, and is determined to help users achieve faster and smarter encrypted digital asset investments.