Home /Cardano/SundaeSwap
Native, scalable decentralized exchange and automated liquidity provision protocol
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SundaeSwap is a decentralized, autonomous protocol for trading cryptocurrencies, specifically Cardano tokens, on the Cardano blockchain. The SundaeSwap protocol is defined by a series of immutable, permissionless, and decentralized smart contracts built on Cardano using Plutus, the smart contract programming language of the Cardano blockchain. These smart contracts were built to allow users to trade cryptocurrencies directly with each other and without a third party intermediary that holds the power to halt trading or any other form of restriction. The SundaeSwap protocol has been designed to remain non-custodial, censorship-resistant, and secure.

This protocol has, since it's launch over a year ago, maintained extremely high availability, and has seen multiple other access points within the ecosystem, such as being included in the DEX aggregator on Meusliswap and the swap page on the Indigo Protocol. These are testaments to the robust and decentralized nature of the protocol.